Cube is located atop the castle, near the balcony.If you trust him, recruit him automatically.
If you don’t trust him, defeat Akira in battle. Akira is sleeping on a bench west of the village. If you have Sundown or Cube as the main character, Masaru will cause him to join you without fighting. From the castle entrance, go left and pass through the doors. Go to the south signpost leading to the castle town. Go to the second area of the mountains near the cabin (to the left of Hasshe’s home). Defeat him in battle in order to recruit him. Talk to Oboromaru by interacting with the seal. He is found by the sign near the entrance. Get the food items such as Tufts of Balmgrass in the Condemned Village and from enemy drops. Talk to Hong and give him 9 food items to consume. Talk to Yun and recruit him automatically. You can only recruit one of them depending on who inherited the Earthen Heart Shifu’s techniques. Found at the grave to the north of the mountain. If you have Lei Kugo in your active party, recruit him automatically. Find him in the trees three times and defeat him in battle. Proceed south of Silent Wood and reach the flower field. Live A Live Remake New True Ending Guide Recruitable Characters during the Final Chapter: Dominion of Hate Chapter The dungeon will serve as a way to obtain the ultimate weapon of each character apart from gaining levels enough to defeat Odio, the final boss. There will be end-game dungeons that are also unlocked and will be accessible if you have the associated party member in your active party. If you want to set up your team after recruiting all the hero characters, return to their recruitment locations in order to get them back to your active party. This doesn’t mean the second, third, and fourth hero character is not recruited anymore. After getting the next three hero characters, you will swap one of them in order to recruit the fifth, sixth, and seventh hero characters. Some hero party members must be defeated in battle before they agree to join you which varies depending on your chosen main character. Only recruited hero characters can be swapped.
Your party leader hero character cannot be swapped in the active party.